Friday, 28 February 2014

DIY kit, the way forward.

It's occurred to me over the years, that we should design and make a lot more of  the kit we carry.

One of the fundamental concepts of bushcraft is "utilise what you can find, and make use of the resources available to you". Yet we all seem to throw money at things which you can make yourself. We all have resources you don't think about. In some cases though you may have to pay a small amount but save a fortune. For an example, why buy a wool bush shirt, when realistically a blanket shirt is as good if made well. It could also also be repurposing an old dog food tin as a billy can. Most things are well within your capability.

Being able to design your kit also allows you to get what you want even if it's not commercially produced. You might want a pocket in a certain place, or a certain way to hold your axe in place. It opens up the possibility of getting the very best use from the choices you make. 

We all see the stuff designed by the great and the good, but nobody ever said you didn't have a point, when wishing that you had D- rings and a mobile phone pocket inside your jacket. Or that your possibles pouch divider system was useless. 

I am going to be doing a few how to pages for you all, so you can learn to do and save at the same time. The best of it is when you get the DIY bug it's hard to stop, especially when you can tailor make the kit you want exactly and to your specifications. 

All the best

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